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ICON's nonlinear mixed effects modelling tool, the industry standard for population PK/PD analysis
The gold standard software in Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic modelling
The software consists of three parts:
- NONMEM® itself, the basic and very general nonlinear regression programme.
- PREDPP - a powerful package of subroutines handling population PK data as well as general linear and nonlinear models, which can free the user from coding standard knetic type equations while simultaneously allowing complicated patient-type data to be easily analysed.
- NM-TRAN - a preprocessor allowing control and other needed inputs to be specified in a user-friendly manner. Both NONMEM and NM-TRAN are batch type programmes.
The latest release of NONMEM® includes these enhancements and more.
1. Population analysis methods available for handling a variety of PK/PD population analysis problems:
- First Order Conditional Estimation (FOCE)
- Laplace Conditional Estimation
- Iterative Two Stage (ITS)
- Importance Sampling Expectation-Maximization (IMP)
- Stochastic Approximation Expectation-Maximization (SAEM) with the ability to store samples of individual parameters or any user-defined variable
- Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian Analysis (BAYES, NUTS) with ability to store random samples of individual parameters or any user defined variable.
- Discrete Delay Differential Equation solver algorithms, such as ADVAN16, which uses RADAR5 by Guglielmiand Hairer, an implicit 4th order Runge-Kutta method, for stiff delay equations, and ADVAN17 for stiff delay differential algebraic equations. In addition, a series of algorithms to implement distributed delay convolutions to your models.
- Evaluation and optimal design for clinical trials, including robust design analysis.
2. Parallel computing of a single problem over multiple cores or computers, for estimation, covariance assessment, simulation, nonparametric analysis and posthoc parameter and weighted residual diagnostic evaluation, significantly reducing completion time
3. Increased efficiency of dynamic memory allocation to handle very large problems, eliminating the need to recompile the NONMEM® program for unusually large problems
Additional features, some new to NONMEM 7.6, include:
- Stochastic Approximation Expectation-Maximization (SAEM) with ability to store samples of individual parameters or any user-defined variable.
- Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian Analysis (BAYES, NUTS) with ability to store random samples of individual parameters or any user defined variable.
- Discrete Delay Differential Equation solver algorithms, such as ADVAN16, which uses RADAR5 by Guglielmiand Hairer, an implicit 4th order Runge-Kutta method, for stiff delay equations, and ADVAN17 for stiff delay differential algebraic equations. In addition, a series of algorithms to implement distributed delay convolutions to your models.
- Evaluation and optimal design for clinical trials, including robust design analysis.
Requirements for Running NONMEM®
The NONMEM computer programme is written and distributed in ANSI Fortran 95 code and therefore can be used with most hardware and operating systems incorporating a Fortran 95 compiler adhering to the ANSI standard. It has been shown to operate with Intel Fortran Compiler 9.0 or greater for Windows or Linux and gFortran for Windows or Linux.
Since a NONMEM run can take considerable CPU time, perhaps many hours depending on the speed of the computer and the size of the problem, it is advisable to use a fast machine. At least 1 and preferably 2 GB of memory should be available for exclusive use of NONMEM and NM-TRAN programmes.
Licensing of NONMEM®
The NONMEM programme is available for download, which together with the documentation and all updates and additions to the programme, will be delivered for a license subscription fee to be paid annually. This fee is subject to change from year to year, and at each anniversary, the licensee at its option may choose not to renew the license.
NONMEM® versions up through VI are the property of the Regents of the University of California, but ICON Early Phase has exclusive rights to license their use. NONMEM® 7 up to the current version 7.6 is the property of ICON Early Clinical.
Before you get in contact, check the FAQs to see if your query is covered there. If not, contact:
Technical support
Telephone: +1 301-944-6807
License enquiries
Telephone: +1 301-944-6810
Fax: +1 215-789-9549
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