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- Medical Imaging
- Imaging therapeutic expertise
- Central Nervous System
Central Nervous System
Integrated solutions based on the science of imaging biomarkers
Excellence in imaging endpoints for CNS trials
Clinical trials -
Subjects -
ICON has significant experience in all major central nervous system indications and imaging modalities. We provide personal, one-on-one interaction and consulting on the critical uses of imaging in your trials. We have one of the most experienced teams in the industry with a wide range of therapeutic expertise. Our highly trained neuroradiologists, imaging scientists and radiologists possess significant experience in CT, PET-CT, simultaneous PET-MRI, fNIRS, fMRI, and MRI.
We have managed clinical trial imaging studies for a variety of central nervous system diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Glioblastoma Multiforme, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Schizophrenia and Stroke. Over 90% of ICON's imaging’s core laboratory staff are modality-specific actively certified technologists, ensuring that QC and pre-processing tasks are handled by imaging professionals.
ICON provides leading image management, the fastest blinded read setup in the industry, 21 CFR Part 11 compliant technology, and a complete image based knowledge management system all designed to empower the sponsor with access to critical information anywhere, anytime.
Delivering benefits to your CNS trial:
- ICON's medical imaging experts deliver quality end-to-end scientific and imaging management solutions, providing strategic advice on the design, development and imaging acquisition parameters in your protocol that meet regulatory requirements.
- In-house board-certified nuclear medicine physician, and diagnostic and interventional neuroradiologist
- In-house neuroscience/neuroimaging trained scientists
- Certified imaging specialists with significant processing experience in CT, MR, PET
- Global network of trained neurologists and radiologists for both remote and monitored reads in all modalities
- Biomedical engineers
– Biostatistician
– Data management team
– Medical writers
In this section
- Asset Development Consulting
Blended Solutions
Cardiac Safety Solutions
Clinical & Scientific Operations
Accelerated study start-up
- Biostatistics and programming
Case studies
- Clinical Operations
Data Monitoring Committee Services
Clinical Supplies Management
- COVID-19
- Clinical data science
Endpoint Adjudication Services
- Global Logistics
- Interactive Response Technology
- Investigator Payments
Medical Affairs
Medical Call Centre Services
Medical Writing & Publishing
- Pharmacovigilance
Project and Program Management
Accelerated study start-up
- Commercial Positioning
- Decentralised Clinical Trials
Early Clinical
Accelerated Pharmaceutical Solutions
Bioanalytical Laboratories
Clinical Pharmacology
Clinical Research Facilities
Early Phase Oncology
Early Phase Patient Studies
Early Phase Obesity Trials
Quality and Compliance
TQT studies
Quantitative Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics
Volunteer Recruitment
Accelerated Pharmaceutical Solutions
- Language Services
- Medical Imaging
- Outcome Measures
- Real World Intelligence
- Regulatory Affairs
- Symphony Health data
- Site & Patient Solutions
- Strategic Solutions