Symphony Health

Turning data, analytics, and technology into actionable strategy.

Transparency you can trust.

At Symphony Health, we believe that data is only as powerful as the clarity behind it. We start with our Integrated Dataverse (IDV), one of the largest integrated repositories of healthcare data, ensuring that our foundation is both comprehensive and reliable. Data transparency means providing not just raw numbers, but also clear insights into how the data is sourced, aggregated, and adjusted.

Clear methodologies. Data you can understand.

By understanding the full context, its origins, methodologies, and limitations, decision-makers can confidently rely on accurate, meaningful information. This empowers healthcare organisations to make smarter, evidence-based decisions that enhance patient care, optimise business strategies, and drive long-term success. Transparency ensures that data works not just as information, but as a reliable foundation for impactful action.

We make that data work for you.

We provide powerful data, applications, analytics, and consulting to help companies gain deep insight into the pharmaceutical market. Partnering with you, we help transform data into decisions and give you deeper insight into the relationships your brands have with the market by allowing you to holistically view the impacts of payer, prescriber, and patient behaviour.

We use data to answer questions about the patient health journey.

At Symphony Health, we use data to create solutions for virtually any business that needs to answer questions about any step of the patient health journey. We believe the evidence-based future of the U.S. healthcare system centres around understanding  the patient. Our focus is to help you to generate actionable insights from multiple dimensions of the patient journey, focused on key therapeutic areas.

March 2025: PatientSourceDuo

DUO to provide a singular analytically-ready and tokenised dataset that captures the longitudinality of open claims, along with the patient-precision of closed claims for multiple use cases across product lifecycle.

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  • 85%

    Retail pharmacy Rx
  • 72%

    Mail order pharmacy Rx
  • 67%

    Specialty drug activity
  • 305+ million

    Active patients
  • 2.05+ million

  • 19,000+

    Health plans
  • ~2 billion

    Medical and hospital claims processed annually
  • 20+

    Years history

We analyse and act on industry trends

We were the first data company to link prescriptions to the most granular group, employer, or plan level and reveal the entire lifecycle of the claim, from initial to final transaction.

We empower patient insights

New data sets are constantly adding more information to the story. With Synoma, our unique de-identification engine, we can unify disparate data sets under a single ID in a completely HIPAA-compliant environment.

We drive change

We realised that more data across all health touchpoints was essential to understanding the interrelationships within the patient journey, so we fully integrated all of our data into one comprehensive platform—the Integrated Dataverse, or IDV®.

We create solutions

As patients started to take a more active role in their therapy decisions, we were also the first to bring longitudinal patient data linked to diagnosis, plan, and prescriber.

For more information

Please contact us directly for more information or to speak with an expert.

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