Commercial Positioning case studies

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Learn more about our commercialisation & outcomes expertise in this case study library.

We help pharma, device, and biotechnology companies at every stage of development—from endpoint selection and PRO development, through clinical trials, to post-approval and scientific publication.

Voice & speech recognition

ICON Outcome Measures found well-validated tools for processing data associated with speech cadence, vocal pitch, and similar measures to evaluate rates of change in neurologic and psychiatric disorders.
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Patient cardiac safety

A digital health lead at a large pharmaceutical company came to ICON Outcome Measures to find a wearable that could capture continuous cardiac rhythms and be used to detect QT prolongation.
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Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia

As a result of the multifaceted communication approach with sites and a strong partnership between ICON and sponsor, the study met its protocol-specified enrolment goal just 9 days beyond contracted Last Patient In date (LPI).
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Rapid post-market study start-up

The MDDR team developed a study protocol and start-up plan that enabled execution several months faster than a typical study. The team also transitioned from a PMA study to a PAS study.
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