Voice & speech recognition

Case study

Moving critical research forward through remote voice and speech monitoring


Evaluating rates of change in neurologic and psychiatric disorders can be challenging, especially without spending considerable time with a patient. 

Human behaviour varies so much that these evaluations rely heavily on evolution from an individual’s baseline instead of a measurement threshold that works for everybody, the way vital signs such as heart rate and body temperature do.

Some pharmaceutical companies studying treatments for psychiatric and neurologic disorders have seen success in this area by evaluating biomarkers related to voice and speech. More importantly, they’ve found ways to measure such biomarkers remotely, gathering more data, more often, for more effective research.


It was with this goal in mind that a digital health lead at one of the world’s largest pharma companies approached ICON Outcome Measures, to find well-validated tools for processing data associated with speech cadence, vocal pitch, and similar measures.

The team first searched the Atlas catalogue to find relevant voice and speech measurement tools that could be used for remote patient monitoring. They then worked directly with us to filter down to options that met their strict criteria for quality of evidence.

“Sifting through PubMed can be difficult. Atlas finds the most relevant papers, giving me the information I need to confidently make a good decision.”
– Digital Health Director, Top 10 Pharmaceutical Company



Using the Atlas Compare feature, they viewed leading options side-by-side, eventually narrowing down to two companies that offered the solutions they needed to move their important research forward in areas such as anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.
Voice or speech measurement within neurology and psychology is one of 850+ measure categories on the Atlas data platform. Atlas covers 18,000+ measures and more than 3,600+ digital health technologies.

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