The development of new, innovative digital technologies has provided the tools to rethink the way we design and conduct clinical trials. One area that has been particularly impacted by this digital age is anatomical pathology.
Digital pathology is a growing subfield within anatomical pathology that uses digital technologies to streamline data collection and management. It involves the conversion of traditional glass, tissue-sample slides into whole-slide digital images, which can be assessed by pathologists remotely without the need for a microscope. This process not only reduces risk to specimen samples, but also has the potential to accelerate enrolment in clinical trials. Moreover, digital pathology can reduce sample-to-result turnaround time and streamline the central pathology review process, further offering opportunities to increase trial efficiency.
As these techniques gain traction, drug developers are increasingly turning to CROs to provide support and direction, when integrating digital pathology into their trials. Here we discuss the importance of ensuring consistent sample prep, capturing high-quality images and facilitating secure data sharing, and how ICON can support each of these steps.
Ensuring consistent sample prep and capturing high-quality images
Consistent and reproducible sample preparation is critical in clinical research pathology. There are many opportunities for variation over the course of the workflow – from fixation, to sectioning, to staining and mounting – all of which can impact tissue sample quality. When digital images are involved, specifications on the slide, coverslip, mounting medium and label format are critical. Moreover, once samples are prepped, the scanning process is another opportunity for error in digital pathology. Whole-slide scanners must be equipped to not only generate a high-resolution image of the entire slide, but also to read barcoded slide labels, have a high level of automation, and include image viewing software akin to a virtual microscope.
For global studies where labs are located all over the world, maintaining consistency and reproducibility during sample prep and image capture can be challenging, as different sites may have access to different resources. As such, it is the role of the CRO to harmonise this workflow and ensure consistency when it comes to reagents, technology, instruments and more. With this in mind, a partner with large-scale resources and expertise may be beneficial to drug developers. For example, ICON’s central laboratories — which are located in the US, Europe and Asia — use the same automated sample processing instrumentation, reagents and standardised standard operating procedures to provide consistency and reproducibility.
Facilitating secure data sharing
Typically, central pathology review in clinical trials requires shipping samples from all over the world to one or more pathologists to review. Although digital pathology eliminates the need for these logistical considerations, data privacy is a concern. As such, there is a need for a central database that has a high degree of security and functionality. The platform should have a built-in image viewing software and should have the capability to transmit images between stakeholders securely.
For example, ICON’s Medical Image Review and Analysis (MIRA) platform facilitates collecting, managing, processing and archiving data within a permission-based structure. The platform retains a centralised, secure image repository and is tailored to the clinical trial protocol. Moreover, MIRA is designed for the management of image data with complete audit trails for maximum data protection. The system enables:
- Review and reporting on images within a controlled environment
- Archival of assessments
- Organisation of project teams, user roles, workflows, timelines and task lists
- Inclusion of key opinion leaders in central pathology review
A system like this can ensure that central pathology review is globally accessible, and that a pathologist’s resulting integrity is maintained.
The use of digital pathology in clinical trials has the potential to address traditional challenges associated with traditional anatomical pathology, as well as improve trial efficiency and accelerate enrolment. However, effective use of these techniques relies on harmonised sample preparation across laboratories, high resolution image capture and a hosting platform created to accommodate complex trial designs.
ICON provides a comprehensive approach to digital pathology based on best practices and security and functionality.
In this section
Digital Disruption
Clinical strategies to optimise SaMD for treating mental health
Digital Disruption: Surveying the industry's evolving landscape
- AI and clinical trials
Clinical trial data anonymisation and data sharing
Clinical Trial Tokenisation
Closing the evidence gap: The value of digital health technologies in supporting drug reimbursement decisions
Digital disruption in biopharma
Disruptive Innovation
- Remote Patient Monitoring
Personalising Digital Health
- Real World Data
The triad of trust: Navigating real-world healthcare data integration
Clinical strategies to optimise SaMD for treating mental health
Patient Centricity
Agile Clinical Monitoring
Capturing the voice of the patient in clinical trials
Charting the Managed Access Program Landscape
Developing Nurse-Centric Medical Communications
- Diversity and inclusion in clinical trials
Exploring the patient perspective from different angles
Patient safety and pharmacovigilance
A guide to safety data migrations
Taking safety reporting to the next level with automation
Outsourced Pharmacovigilance Affiliate Solution
The evolution of the Pharmacovigilance System Master File: Benefits, challenges, and opportunities
Sponsor and CRO pharmacovigilance and safety alliances
Understanding the Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report
A guide to safety data migrations
Patient voice survey
Patient Voice Survey - Decentralised and Hybrid Trials
Reimagining Patient-Centricity with the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
Using longitudinal qualitative research to capture the patient voice
Agile Clinical Monitoring
Regulatory Intelligence
An innovative approach to rare disease clinical development
- EU Clinical Trials Regulation
Using innovative tools and lean writing processes to accelerate regulatory document writing
Current overview of data sharing within clinical trial transparency
Global Agency Meetings: A collaborative approach to drug development
Keeping the end in mind: key considerations for creating plain language summaries
Navigating orphan drug development from early phase to marketing authorisation
Procedural and regulatory know-how for China biotechs in the EU
RACE for Children Act
Early engagement and regulatory considerations for biotech
Regulatory Intelligence Newsletter
Requirements & strategy considerations within clinical trial transparency
Spotlight on regulatory reforms in China
Demystifying EU CTR, MDR and IVDR
Transfer of marketing authorisation
Exploring FDA guidance for modern Data Monitoring Committees
Streamlining dossier preparation
An innovative approach to rare disease clinical development
Therapeutics insights
- Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
- Cardiovascular
- Cell and Gene Therapies
Central Nervous System
A mind for digital therapeutics
Challenges and opportunities in traumatic brain injury clinical trials
Challenges and opportunities in Parkinson’s Disease clinical trials
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Key Considerations in Chronic Pain Clinical Trials
ICON survey report: CNS therapeutic development
A mind for digital therapeutics
- Infectious Diseases
- Oncology
- Paediatrics
Rare and orphan diseases
Advanced therapies for rare diseases
Cross-border enrollment of rare disease patients
Crossing the finish line: Why effective participation support strategy is critical to trial efficiency and success in rare diseases
Diversity, equity and inclusion in rare disease clinical trials
Identify and mitigate risks to rare disease clinical programmes
Leveraging historical data for use in rare disease trials
Natural history studies to improve drug development in rare diseases
Patient Centricity in Orphan Drug Development
The key to remarkable rare disease registries
Therapeutic spotlight: Precision medicine considerations in rare diseases
Advanced therapies for rare diseases
Transforming Trials
Accelerating biotech innovation from discovery to commercialisation
Ensuring the validity of clinical outcomes assessment (COA) data: The value of rater training
Linguistic validation of Clinical Outcomes Assessments
Optimising biotech funding
- Adaptive clinical trials
Best practices to increase engagement with medical and scientific poster content
Decentralised clinical trials
Biopharma perspective: the promise of decentralised models and diversity in clinical trials
Decentralised and Hybrid clinical trials
Practical considerations in transitioning to hybrid or decentralised clinical trials
Navigating the regulatory labyrinth of technology in decentralised clinical trials
Biopharma perspective: the promise of decentralised models and diversity in clinical trials
eCOA implementation
- Blended solutions insights
Implications of COVID-19 on statistical design and analyses of clinical studies
Improving pharma R&D efficiency
Increasing Complexity and Declining ROI in Drug Development
Innovation in Clinical Trial Methodologies
- Partnership insights
Risk Based Quality Management
Transforming the R&D Model to Sustain Growth
Accelerating biotech innovation from discovery to commercialisation
Value Based Healthcare
Strategies for commercialising oncology treatments for young adults
US payers and PROs
Accelerated early clinical manufacturing
Cardiovascular Medical Devices
CMS Part D Price Negotiations: Is your drug on the list?
COVID-19 navigating global market access
Ensuring scientific rigor in external control arms
Evidence Synthesis: A solution to sparse evidence, heterogeneous studies, and disconnected networks
Global Outcomes Benchmarking
Health technology assessment
Perspectives from US payers
ICER’s impact on payer decision making
Making Sense of the Biosimilars Market
Medical communications in early phase product development
Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Value Based Healthcare
Payer Reliance on ICER and Perceptions on Value Based Pricing
Payers Perspectives on Digital Therapeutics
Precision Medicine
RWE Generation Cross Sectional Studies and Medical Chart Review
Survey results: How to engage healthcare decision-makers
The affordability hurdle for gene therapies
The Role of ICER as an HTA Organisation
Strategies for commercialising oncology treatments for young adults
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