Therapeutics case studies

Explore our expertise and success stories.

Learn more about our experience by exploring our library of therapeutics case studies.

Patient cardiac safety

A digital health lead at a large pharmaceutical company came to ICON Outcome Measures to find a wearable that could capture continuous cardiac rhythms and be used to detect QT prolongation.
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Global remote monitoring CRA hub

A complex oncology study in multiple myeloma cancer experienced a 30% higher than anticipated enrollment rate, leading to a large data backlog. Learn how ICON implemented global remote monitoring to address the backlog and manage ongoing data volume.
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Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia

As a result of the multifaceted communication approach with sites and a strong partnership between ICON and sponsor, the study met its protocol-specified enrolment goal just 9 days beyond contracted Last Patient In date (LPI).
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Successful adaptation to complex dose escalation

ICON was selected by a mid-size biotech company to support a phase 1 dose escalation and cohort expansion study of an immune checkpoint inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid tumors. Mid-study, the sponsor was acquired by a large pharma company to which ICON has efficiently supported the transition to the evolving sponsor business model and operations.
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