Date Time 09:00 - 17:00
Location In person workshop at Thessaloniki, Greece Timezone Europe/Athens
Robert J. Bauer, Ph.D. and Brian Sadler, PhD.
Course Objectives:
This one-day, in-person, workshop will cover the description and use of features in NONMEM 7. Workshop attendees will be instructed how to specify gradient precision and how to use the FAST algorithm (new in NM 7.4) for FOCE and will also be instructed on how to use the Monte Carlo importance sampling, stochastic approximation expectation-maximization methods, and full Bayesian methods such as Gibbs sampling and Hamiltonian no-U turn sampling (new in NM 7.4). Parallel computing and dynamic memory allocation for efficient memory usage will also be described as well as symbolic references to thetas, etas, and sigmas, priors to sigmas, MonteCarlo search algorithms to improve FOCE estimation, built-in individual weighted residuals, bootstrap tools for simulation, and automatic stabilization against numerical exceptions.
Also learn to use new abbreviated code features for easier modelling of inter-occasion variability, modelling additional mixed effects levels for grouping individuals, such as inter-clinical site variability, and using the DO loop feature in abbreviated code, useful for handling multiple bolus doses in models that use the analytical absorption function for multiple transit compartments. New in NONMEM 7.5: Optimal clinical design and evaluation tool is available, as well as delay differential equation solvers.