Webinar Overview
Date Time 11:00 - 12:00
Location Webinar Timezone America/New York
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Despite the increasing availability of mHealth technologies that can successfully capture physiological data, and digital platforms that can ingest and analyze the data to date, the adoption of these technologies is only cautiously embraced in clinical research. Watch this joint ICON and Intel webinar, in association with SCRIP, to hear our experts address the main concerns and challenges in the following areas:
Patient Engagement and Burden
- How do you manage patient interaction with the technology in the home environment?
Device Suitability
- With so many mHealth devices available how do you select the technology that will capture the data required for your study.
Data Complexity and Insight Generation
- How do you analyse data from devices capable of generating Terabytes of data during the course of a routine study.
- What do study teams need to do to successfully deploy, train, monitor and reconcile device upon the completion of the study.
Privacy and Security Issues
- What is the impact of local privacy and security measures on global digital studies?
Regulatory Acceptance
- What strategies are required to ensure that data generated in a digital study can be used to support the clinical hypothesis?

Chen Admati
Head of Intel Pharma Analytics Platform, Intel