Thursday, March 30, 2023
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM EST
In rare disease, compassionate use and Expanded Access Programs (EAPs) are becoming increasingly more common. As sponsors grapple with the unique needs of rare disease patients who may not have access to an approved therapy, impact of Expanded Access Programs and how or where they may fit within the larger context of accessible clinical trial landscape becomes more pressing. Experts within patient advocacy, CROs, and industry will provide insights into important considerations for all these stakeholders as they develop and implement EAPs.

Will Maier
Vice President, Center for Rare Diseases, ICON plc

Deborah Gelinas
Executive Director, Neuromuscular, argenx

Jack Johnson
Executive Director & Cofounder, Fabry Support & Information Group

Ray Kaczmarek
Senior Director, Project Operations, Commercialisation & Outcomes, ICON plc