Date Time 15:00 - 16:00
Location Webinar Timezone Europe/Dublin
Dosimetry is a well-established approach for routine treatment planning in radioligand therapy. The dose of radiation energy absorbed by targeted and surrounding tissue is one of the main parameters that determines the biologic effect of radiation. Therefore, the estimation of absorbed radiation serves as an essential tool for making radiation-based treatments less damaging to heathy tissue.
The physical and pharmacokinetic interactions of radiopharmaceuticals in the body add complexity to the internal dosimetric process required for radionuclide treatments. Lesion or organ-based dosimetry approaches can yield parameters that have been extensively studied, such as lesion dose response correlation, dose volume histogram, and dose heterogeneity map findings. These capabilities enable dosimetric data to offer a more suitable correlation between biologic effect and clinical outcomes.
During this webinar we will discuss:
- An overview of dosimetry
- Time Activity Curves (TAC)
- Organ-level vs voxelized dosimetry
- Theranostic dosimetry

Edward Ashton
Edward Ashton has supervised more than 300 clinical trials over the past twenty-four years. He holds a doctorate from the University of Rochester with a specialization in medical imaging, and was one of the founders of the imaging core lab VirtualScopics. Prior to that, he spent five years working for the federal government.

Carley Hartings
Carley Hartings has 15 years of clinical research experience working on phase I through phase 4 clinical trials from the site, sponsor, and CRO perspectives. She has clinical experience in multiple imaging modalities, including PET, CT, SPECT, MRI and Gamma. Carley has extensive experience in data management processes and has supported numerous clinical trial roles from pharmacovigilance to FDA briefing book preparation.